Wednesday, August 20, 2008


People are talking about United First Financial and the benefits that you can reap by partaking in the Money Merge Account revolution. We have been receiving high marks from members of the financial community, don't just take my word for it, look it up and see for yourself.
The software is constantly being upgraded and improved, the goal is to get Americans to understand that they don't have to be a slave to debt, it can be harnessed and brought under control thus allowing the common man to be mortgage and debt free and still be able to amass a substantial retirement nest egg and also make it possible to retire early.
Wouldn't it be nice to be the one to calling the shots for a change, you can make it happen faster than you think, all it takes is a commitment.
When I talk about commitment I like to put into terms that are easy to understand, for this I like to use the "bacon and egg breakfast" analogy. Think for a minute about a steaming plate of bacon and eggs sitting in front of you on a beautiful Sunday morning, we know that the chicken was involved, but the pig, he made a commitment.

Monday, August 4, 2008

We did it again.....a 30 year mortgage will be paid off in 9.3 years!

Hi, Tom Sachs from United First Financial back with you, I ran an analysis for a new client this weekend and was able to get 29 years of a 30 year mortgage paid off in 9.3 years, this is without refinancing or any lifestyle changes. This is straight forward math, this system works, let me prove it to you by working out a free analysis that will be tailored to your unique situation.
Everybody has a different situation, no two are exactly alike. Beware of "knockoffs" that claim to be able to emulate United First Financials' award winning software system, we were the first company to win the prestegious Ernst & Young entrepenuer of the year award for financial services.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

If you are keeping your home, listen to this.

Due to uncertainty in the real estate market, largely created by the gloom and doom media, now is the time to start building EQUITY quickly, while lots of people will be making mortgage payments that stunt their ability to build equity, United First Financial can put you on the road to building wealth through real estate equity faster than any other system in existance.
Contact me and let me run a free no obligation analysis and show you how to take control of your financial future.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Any Debt is fair game for United First Financial

United First Financial can help you shorten the term of any amortized debt you may have, drive down the term and save thousands of dollars in the process

Monday, June 2, 2008

Pay off your mortgage in less than 1/2 the time

Hi, I'm Tom Sachs with United First Financial, how would you like to pay off your mortgage in less than 1/2 the time, there is no need to refinance, change your spending habits or alter your lifesyle. The Money Management Account can set you on your way to being mortgage free and also allow you to build equity in your homw much faster.
Wouldn't it be great to be free of mortgage payments once and for all, just think of what you could do with all that extra money every month.

Tom Sachs
Independent Agent
United First Financial